Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Earth and Sky: Photographs and Stories from Montana and Alberta by Stephen Legault

Earth and Sky: Photographs and Stories from Montana and Alberta by Stephen Legault

Earth and Sky: Photographs and Stories from Montana and Alberta

Earth and Sky: Photographs and Stories from Montana and Alberta by Stephen Legault PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

People in Alberta, Montana and around the world travel through the foothills to reach more iconic destinations such as Banff, Kananaskis, Waterton and Glacier national parks. The foothills, however, are a unique destination on their own and have helped define both Alberta and Montana, serving as the backdrop for much of both regions' history, and forming a rich cultural and natural landscape. Earth and Sky reveals, in text and image, the grandeur and beauty of this unique international frontier.

Featuring 200 black-and-white and color images, and 12–15 short narrative essays on natural history, geology, cultural background and the region’s communities as well as the threats and solutions to development and social challenges found in the foothills. Many of these essays are written in the first person, highlighting the author’s deep passion for and relationship with this place and the special emphasis of the transboundary importance of this landscape, stressing the shared history and geography between Canada and the United States.

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Earth and Sky: Photographs and Stories from Montana and Alberta by Stephen Legault EPub

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