Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Whodunit Crime Mysteries by Hy Conrad

Whodunit Crime Mysteries by Hy Conrad

Whodunit Crime Mysteries

Whodunit Crime Mysteries by Hy Conrad PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

How does Sherman Oliver Holmes succeed in finding and solving every crime? It's elementary--he's the great-great-grandson of Sherlock, with the same finely honed powers of deduction! Sherman just showed up in Capital City one day, wearing a deerstalker cap; though Police Sergeant Gunter Watson didn't quite believe the outlandish tale, he quickly learned to trust the newcomer's instincts. Come along and watch Sherman's sixth sense in action as he uncovers thieves, murderers, and all-around bad guys and test your own detective skills against this modern master of sleuthing.
* Someone snatched a million-dollar painting! Who was it?
* A man is slain while wandering through a maze. Can you find your way through the thicket of suspects and name the killer?
* It's foul ball when some young baseball players discover a burglary...or did one of them commit the crime himself?
And, in case Holmes has you stumped, the answers appear at the end.

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